Top 10 Most Brutal Viral Elden Ring Deaths That Have Left Gamers Devastated – FAIL Blog

It might be only March, but all indications are that we may already be looking at the Game of the Year for 2022. If Elden Ring’s legacy endures, maybe it will get the Skyrim treatment and receive ports for the next ten years. I can’t wait to play it on my Razer Garuda Gaming Fridge TM in 2030.

I’m a big fan of visualization, and Redditor u/Waleed98 posted this succinct image that tells you everything you need to know about Elden Ring’s reception. 

Image Credit: u/Waleed98

Though I have yet to pick it up for myself, I have been voyeuristically enjoying the game through Twitch streams and TikTok. 

There is a chance that this could be the game that breaks my Rust addiction. After all, I am already a sucker for punishment. Most of my free time is spent getting lasered by sweaty AK-47 script kiddies while desperately trying to run scrap home to my 2×1 base. 

Elden Ring has taken my TikTok ‘For You’ page by storm. Here are a few of the best Elden Ring deaths that I have encountered while ‘doom scrolling’ on the ruthlessly addicting platform.


1. Massive giant? Let’s run right up to him!

Something about the harsh to-the-point comedy made this video a sensation. It currently sits at 740k likes.


2.Show no fear!”

@superswoldier puts a game theory to the test in this encounter with Yogi Bear. He should have given up that picnic basket!

3. “Yoink!” Headphone warning

“I gotta see what happens when I do this.” The line uttered by Elden Ring players just before certain death.


4. “Oh dude, this guy’s easy!” Headphone warning

“Got that DPS!”

At 630k likes, this was an easy pick. There’s something about watching cocky players getting destroyed at the last second that is oh-so-satisfying.


5. “Ain’t no way!”

What the??

6. “Only 250 people have defeated this guy? That can’t be right.”

“That sounds about right.” 

Also, the “We’ll heal straight away.” gets me every time on this video when he then proceeds to get one shot while healing.


7. “I’m just spamming the magic.”

One of the more psychologically devastating deaths on this list. @zdrezx gets cheated out of a sure kill by this bizarre glitch. 


8. “Not spewing fire out of your ass every two seconds.”

Proceeds to spew said fire out of said ass.


9. The average Elden Ring experience

Pretty much sums up every encounter in the game. 


10. “I am so done man.”

Another brutal pull of the rug right out from underneath a player at the last second. 


Bonus Pick: This epic encounter. 

No death recorded here, but we can only imagine what horrific fate awaited @benjidabeast3 on this one!



What’s your favorite video and what has been your Elden Ring experience so far? Let us know!