The Way This Guy Takes Pictures With Superheroes Is Both Genius And Funny (40 New Pics)

It goes without saying that superheroes have a special place in many of our hearts. As long as they kick ass on a cosmological level, people will always find that fascinating.

This leads many to pay tributes to their favorite superheroes—whether in the form of visual, audio, or any other type of art.

And, well, there’s Wire Hon, who makes use of forced perspective photography to come up with a whole slew of situations involving him and his numerous action figures, which inevitably become life-sized players in his take on photography.

Since our first visit of his photos, Hon has been hard at work creating a ton of new content for our lovely Pandas to gawk at. So, scroll down and check out Hon’s latest pics in the curated list below, and why not also get to know him more in our exclusive interview with him!

More Info: Instagram | Facebook | Part 1