Folks On Twitter Are Still Salty For Being Punished In School For These 39 Stupid Things

At one point or another, most of us have probably gotten ourselves into trouble at school once or twice. Getting sent to the principal’s office, having your parents come down to school to talk with the teachers, etc. is not necessarily the best experience when you’re a kid. In fact, it is typically quite terrifying for most. But you do have to do something extra silly or irresponsible to even get to that point most of the time. 

These people took to Twitter to share their stories of getting into trouble at school… for ridiculously silly reasons. From sparing lab frogs’ lives to getting detention for chilling at detention without having been sent to detention, here are 39 scenarios where people got into trouble at school because of something very silly. Scroll down to see the whole list and consider upvoting the entries that crack you up the most!

More info: Twitter