Doggo Loving Woman Is Fed Up With Men Putting Fake Dog Pictures In Their Dating Profiles

Doggo loving date seeking women everywhere, you might just find yourself relating to OP’s dating site debacle. OP is a young single woman, a doggo owner, and a dating site user. And she is sick and tired of men using pictures of pets (that are not theirs!) on their dating profiles. Did someone say false advertising?? Yes, we did. False. Advertising.

We feel for OP, obviously as a dog lover it’s a major thumbs up moment when you see a guy featuring a doggo on his dating profile. One would assume that if a person chooses to prominently feature a pet in their dating profile, that the pet is probably theirs. Right? Apparently, wrong. In our opinion, lying on your dating profile is a definite red flag because that’s what this is- a lie. They’re pretending they have a dog when, in fact, they don’t, and might not even like dogs or pets. Not cool, dudes.